
Donations from our Foundation allow us to update furnishings and comfort care items, such as blanket warmers, around the hospital; in addition, we were able to purchase a Chemotherapy treatment chair, Versa Care bed and mattress, shower chair, and supplies for our Chapel.
Foundation Purchases and Commitments include:
The St. Mary's Hospital Foundation is committed to supporting the growth and development of staff by funding educational scholarships. orthopedic education, Heart and Stroke conferences, and any opportunities that enhance the service delivery from our staff.
The Foundation has generously funded many essential instruments for surgeries and routine procedures, as well as labor and delivery equipment and palliative care supplies. Below are some examples:
• Heated Opti-Flow Oxygen Unit for Palliative Care.
• Breast Pump and Newborn Bassinettes.
• Complete Rigid Cystoscopy Set.
• Laparoscopic Surgical Equipment and Monitor.
• Upright Grinder with Drive Blower & Vacuum System.
• Electrosurgical Generator for Colonoscopies.
• Medication and Transfer Carts.
• Wall Mounted Patient Lift.